The 2022 annual business seminar held by Xintao Technology
2021-12-16 16:33:04   

December 11, Xintao Technology held the companys 2022 annual business seminar. The main purpose was to clarify the companys future development strategy and brand value positioning,by summarizing the successful enterprise management methods and business experience, and finally formulated the company's future development goals.


This seminar was held in the Wugong Mountain Hot Spring Junlan Resort Hotel.At the seminar, the participating colleagues were divided into 3 teams, each team brainstorming around the 5 major strategic points of the company, and finally discussed 16 core strategies and ended the first day of discussion.

After replenishing energy through dinner, bathing in hot springs and other activities, colleagues are ready to prepare for the next day's brainstorming.


The next day, in the hotels conference room, colleagues brainstormed around the 16 points discussed yesterday.

First, summarize the individual thoughts, and then conduct team discussions, sort out and debate the strategic points by teams.

In the end, the second group won, relying on deep and broad thinking about the company's future plans at the meeting, and got the reward of the general manager and a surprise gift package from the chairman.

The successful convening of the annual business seminar in 2022 is a result of full discussion and brainstorming, enabling all Xintao Technology employees to achieve a higher level of unified thinking and unified will.It has different levels of influence on improving Xintao's comprehensive management level and guaranteeing Xintao's production and operation, brand building, and brand expansion.It has laid the foundation for the final formation of the common action program of XinTao.


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